
Color Equivariant Convolutional Networks

Published in NeurIPS 2023, 2023

Abstract Color is a crucial visual cue readily exploited by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for object recognition. However, CNNs struggle if there is data imbalance between color variations introduced by accidental recording conditions. Color invariance addresses this issue but does so at the cost of removing all color information, which sacrifices discriminative power. In this paper, we propose Color Equivariant Convolutions (CEConvs), a novel deep learning building block that enables shape feature sharing across the color spectrum while retaining important color information. We extend the notion of equivariance from geometric to photometric transformations by incorporating parameter sharing over hue-shifts in a neural network. We demonstrate the benefits of CEConvs in terms of downstream performance to various tasks and improved robustness to color changes, including train-test distribution shifts. Our approach can be seamlessly integrated into existing architectures, such as ResNets, and offers a promising solution for addressing color-based domain shifts in CNNs.

Recommended citation: arXiv:2310.19368 Attila Lengyel, Ombretta Strafforello, Robert-Jan Bruintjes, Alexander Gielisse, Jan van Gemert

Optical Flow Upsamplers Ignore Details: Neighborhood Attention Transformers for Convex Upsampling

Published in TU Delft Repository, 2023

Abstract Most recent works on optical flow use convex upsampling as the last step to obtain high-resolution flow. In this work, we show and discuss several issues and limitations of this currently widely adopted convex upsampling approach. We propose a series of changes, inspired by the observation that convex upsampling as currently implemented performs badly in high-detail areas. We identify three possible causes; wrong training data, the non-existence of a convex combination, and the inability of the convex upsampler to find the correct convex combination.

Recommended citation: A.S. Gielisse. (2023). Master Thesis. TU Delft Repository.